Summer 2021 Class:
Kingdom of Light
(8-week Intensive; virtual & in-person)
Dates: Coming Soon | Tuition: Free
Fall 2020:
School of Intimacy & Exploits
October 18 - December 13 | Tuition: Free
The School of Intimacy & Exploits is a curriculum designed to take students deep into the heart and plans of God for their lives and the world. In this school you will learn the ways of intimacy with God and how to walk in power and authority.

The Books of Acts & Intro to the Gifts of the Spirit
Absalom Mitchell
We will study the Early Church model, and take a thorough look at the Book of Acts. We will learn how to operate in the character and power of God, including the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Governmental Worship
Jamie Fitt/Director PTOD
Worship has been used in battle, in corporate gatherings, and in teaching generations the ways of God. We will dive deeper into the subject of worship to see how worship creates a place for God’s government to operate.

The Gifts of the Spirit
Josiah Centeno/Pastor, In the Light Camden
All of us have been endowed with spiritual gifts, learn how to identify and activate your gifts.

Identity in Christ
Joseph Harris/Pastor, Love Center Church
We are fearfully and wonderfully made with eternal purpose. When we received Jesus Christ we became a new creation and therefore our identity is no longer the same.
Additional Coursework includes:
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit
Marketplace Ministry & Evangelizing the 7 Mountains
Healing, Deliverance & Trauma
Course Reading: Driven by Eternity (Author: John Bevere)
Course Reading: Live Before You Die (Author: Daniel Kolenda)
And of course....The Holy Bible